Montessori World follows the tenets of Dr. Montessori by offering a truly child-centered and multi-sensory environment. The curriculum, classroom, and teacher's role are carefully designed to honor self-paced growth while encouraging group awareness and social cooperation. Each Montessori class operates on the principle of freedom within limits. Every program has its set of ground rules that differs from age to age, but is always based on the core Montessori beliefs, that is, respect for each other and for the environment. The Montessori materials allow concrete manipulation of objects that are multi-sensory, sequential and self-correcting in nature, and hence facilitate the learning of skills as well as abstract ideas. Additionally, they offer a built-in "control of error" which provides the learner with information as to the accuracy of his response and enables him to correct himself.
There is an orientation meeting for parents at the beginning of each year to explain the child's day, review school policies, and discuss any concerns parents may have. Montessori World schedules parent education workshops throughout the year.